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Server maintenance services
The stable functioning of your IT infrastructure will only be ensured by proper continuous server maintenance. Our specialists will take care of the initial configuration of your servers, install timely updates and organize constant monitoring of the servers. We will be constantly interested in the operation of your servers, we will perform preventive checks, so you will be fully protected from possible incidents in the future.
Every specialist in the server maintenance team has strict liability employment contracts. We have insured our activities with civil liability insurance, so every customer who has suffered losses due to our fault is sure that the losses will be compensated by the insurance company.
We offer server maintenance plans
SRV1 | SRV2 | SRV3 | |
Service time
9 x 5
16 x 7
Initial installation, configuration
Installation of updates, consultations
Maintenance of backup copies of data
Incident logging 24/7
Proactive management
Key benefits of server maintenance
Initial installation and configuration
You will have your choice of operating systems and additional packages on the servers. You will be equipped with convenient monitoring tools. The applications you use will be configured with the necessary settings
Server monitoring
We will constantly monitor the operation and proper functioning of your servers. In this way, you will protect yourself in advance from possible unforeseen disruptions. Our system administrators will be promptly informed about unfavorable server performance indicators.
Installing updates
With server maintenance service plans, you get the latest updates to operating systems, software, and antivirus programs. You will have the peace of mind that at any moment the position of the servers is fully under control.
Prompt resolution of incidents 24/7
Every working day and non-working day, we will register your server problems by phone 24 hours a day. Since the server maintenance service is provided remotely, virtually all malfunctions are fixed immediately.
Restoring from backups
In case of equipment failure or data loss, we will have backup copies of the software ready. We will make backup schedules, monitor the compliance of the copies made and the progress of the restoration.
Proactive management
We will conduct a security and log audit. We will analyze and plan the resources used. We will take care of server performance analysis and optimization. This will help prevent additional potential disruptions in advance.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How can server maintenance increase company efficiency?
First of all, by transferring an area such as server maintenance to reliable MDPCLOUD specialists, you reduce the burden on the company's employees. The IT department or other specialists responsible for the servers until then will have more time for other tasks. Well, if you haven't taken care of server maintenance before, you should consider taking advantage of such an opportunity now.
Even one problem or loophole can be very costly. Hacking a server can leak or steal important data and stop your operations. This reduces customer confidence, can lead to losses, incur fines and more. MDPCLOUD specialists proactively analyze servers entrusted by customers. As a result, server maintenance helps most customers increase efficiency by reducing the need to deal with issues related to this area.
Effective server maintenance requires a lot of attention, time and knowledge. Of course, not all companies pay to assign this responsibility to one of the employees. Some other benefits of how this service helps businesses increase productivity:
- Active monitoring and regular maintenance of the servers ensures fast resolution of problems. Well, it allows employees to access critical resources without interruption. This increases the overall productivity of the organization and individual teams.
- MDPCLOUD's server maintenance experts optimize server configurations, efficiently allocate resources and fine-tune system parameters. As a result, the performance of the server improves, which is felt by your employees, customers, partners.
- Server maintenance services enable the most reliable, up-to-date security measures such as firewalls, anti-virus software. Administrators make regular updates to them.
- Server maintenance services are very flexible for scaling . As a result, any company can expand its server infrastructure as soon as needed.
Such services often ensure that server environments meet industry standards and legal requirements.
How does server maintenance work?
In assessing the entire cyber protection infrastructure, server maintenance will play a fundamental - most important role - for most businesses. If you want to avoid downtime or problems, the servers must work optimally and be protected from threats. The MDPCLOUD server maintenance service includes various technical, software and planning processes that help: optimize the use of resources, neutralize the most common threats, avoid unnecessary downtime .
Qualified server technology specialists constantly monitor their condition and identify potential problems before they become critical. To ensure smooth, uninterrupted operation, they analyze server logs , resource allocation and network traffic as needed.
A large part of server maintenance consists of regular updates and patches aimed at eliminating security vulnerabilities. Such updates and fixes ensure that the server is running the latest, most secure version of software, not legacy software that is much easier to attack. At the same time, in order to protect the server from external threats, the security protocols best evaluated by IT and cyber security leaders are applied. This includes firewall configurations, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus programs.
One of the main principles of the service is backups, their creation and management. These copies are created and updated according to the schedules. If the need arises, due to failure, human error or other problems, these copies can be used to restore data.
All the listed processes require time and knowledge. However, when you choose MDPCLOUD, all the worries are taken over by our specialists, so the burden on your IT staff or team is reduced. Resources and time can be devoted to value-added rather than technical work. We guarantee 24/7 technical support to quickly resolve any server-related issues and minimize downtime.
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